Remove Administrator Rights
Provision of always-on access for the workforce with complete administrator control potentially increases ransomware and lateral movement risk. Local administrator accounts on endpoints or user account with ungoverned administrative privileges are risky and expose possible areas for attackers to inject malware.
Simplify Least Privileged Management on Windows Endpoints
Lock Down Privileges on Endpoints
Most organizations choose user convenience over endpoint security leaving the door open for external or insider user attack. Define policies for elevation on need-basis
On-demand Privilege Elevation
Elevate privileges per application basis for users within the network or for offline users.
Stop Unknown Application Execution
Block unknown applications and define policy-driven methods to allow whitelisted applications and restrictive administrative privileges.
Simplify Least Privileged Management on Windows Endpoints
Reduce IT Burden and Simplify Security Operations
Free up IT resources and simplify security operations by enabling policies to reduce administrative tasks.
Improve User Productivity
With defined workflows and no human interaction, users can get access to requested privileges faster.
Reduce Vulnerabilities & Strengthen Security
Enforce least privilege policies to enable users with the right access at the right time. Users authenticate with normal accounts and request elevated access when needed.
Explore the Platform
Achieve more with easy to configure integrated components
Password Management
Manage and rotate passwords and ssh keys with embedded & encrypted vaulting
Just-in-Time Access
Remove standing privileges and leverage combination of approaches to implement JIT policie
Windows Privilege Management
Control and secure administrator account usage on your organization’s Windows systems