
Privileged Access Management for Finance and Banking

Update Version 5.0 – Advanced Version with Interactive Updates


Password Management in Network Security:

What is it? Why is it Crucial?

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Sectona is committed to transcending the traditional boundaries of Privileged Access Management (PAM) by continuously enhancing our Security Platform with innovative updates. In line with this commitment, we are excited to announce the release of Version 5.0. Here are some of the standout features of this latest version:

  • Changed the theme and colour scheme to make the screen appear visually lighter.
  • Added an advanced version of the dashboard with options to add new dashboard views with the help of existing widgets.
  • Added advanced and interactive reporting, including single views of canned and custom reports and single views of report creation and scheduling.
  • On the same line, accessible configuration actions for the Edit, Action, and Trail menus were added, including accommodating multiple configuration options in a single view for the Action option.
  • Added a Platform configuration page and a product navigator, which allows navigation between multiple products.
  • Added options on the MyAccess page such as Favourites, Recently Accessed, Connected, Most Accessed, and Never Accessed for quick access to entitlements. 

Read more about Sectona PAM version 5.0 here