Monitor Privileged User Activity


The lack of traceability in managing privileged sessions results in the unavailability of evidence when issues arise. The difficulty of analyzing user behaviour can also make incident detection challenging. Thus, with ineffective session monitoring, enterprise systems can become vulnerable to internal threats and external targeted attacks.


Activity Monitoring for Every Session

  • Round-the-Clock Monitoring

    Analyze user activity in real-time with complete video recording for all types of user sessions.

  • On-Demand Session Termination

    Gain control over live sessions with immediate session termination. Monitor and capture keystrokes and metadata.

  • Fast Track User Activity Analysis

    Get an overview of user activity with a robust threat analytics module that simplifies threat analysis.


A 360° of Privileged Session Visibility


Real-Time Monitoring

Enable a real-time notification/alert about the on-going risky activities for faster Incident Response.


Go Beyond Video Session Recording

Complete session recording for every session enables admin and privileged user activity monitoring. Record all executed commands and processes in video recording, keystroke, and metadata capturing formats.


An Easier Way to Detect Risky Behaviour

A threat analytics engine analyzes user behaviour inside every session and provides a risk score based on user activity.

Explore the Platform

Achieve more with easy to configure integrated components

Continuous Discovery

Secure privileged accounts with continuous discovery and vaulting.

Password Management

Manage and rotate passwords and ssh keys with embedded & encrypted vaulting

Session Recordings & Threat Analytics

Advanced session monitoring for all privileged activities with risk-profiling & behaviour-based analytics.

Account Lifecycle Management

Streamline account provisioning, de-provisioning and operations with complete control.

Next Steps

Find how we can help you save resources for privileged access projects.​